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Data Generation

On consideration of the field of use of the QSROA, it becomes apparent that the required object detection is limited to few types of objects with instances having an extremely high level of similarity. Deducted from this finding, we conclude that synthetic data as the main component of the dataset is the ideal way to go. It combines a variety of advantages.
First, it is comparatively simple to generate a comprehensive dataset. Further, generating a synthetic dataset is a rather time- and resource-saving process. Finally, a synthetic dataset comes with a high level of flexibility since it allows for easy retraining upon menu changes.


The dataset consists of 15 objects. 14 of them are different items purchasable at McDonald's. The 15th item is hands, because they will often be seen by the QSROA once in action.

  • Fries

  • Hamburger

  • Cheeseburger

  • Big Mac

  • Hamburger Royal TS

  • McRib

  • McChicken Classic

  • Chicken McNuggets 9er

  • McWrap

  • McSundae

  • Softdrink

  • Ketchup

  • Mayonnaise

  • Sauce

  • Hands


When considering the requirements for the pictures that have been taken, one must differentiate between single-item and multi-item images.

Single-item images are those that show only one object per picture. Their main purpose is to use them for the creation of the synthetic dataset.
Multi-item images on the other hand, show multiple objects and can be used for retraining the model. Later we will confront the model performance trained purely on our synthetic dataset with the described hybrid dataset achieved performance.

For both image categories, the area for the picture taken must be well lit and the camera used needs to be positioned perpendicular to the surface on which the items are being placed.

Further, in single-item images, shadows are to be avoided and there must be no hands in the way. For each item a minimum of four pictures has been taken while placing the images of the items in various positions on the surface. The following figure shows our setup requirements for taking images of the relevant objects to ensure consistency through our synthetic dataset.

Setup Requirements

In multi-item images we value a realistic combination of objects. The objects may slightly intersect each other, moreover, hands are allowed as well, however, the items must remain recognizable. Each item in the picture must be labeled with a bounding box of its category. Finally, it is desired to get multiple pictures of identical compositions in different spatial arrangements.

Data Augmentation

The exact number of single-item images used for the generation of the dataset can be seen in the following table.

The process of the generation goes the following. For every picture the item is cut out. The resulting images are then scaled down to a predefined resolution. The resulting images are ready to be used for the synthetic dataset.
For every synthetic picture, at first, we load a random background image out of a selection. Then, out of the pre-processed images, a few are randomly added to the picture. To increase diversity between images, we apply additional transformations to the items. These transformations include randomly rotating and warping the items to simulate different perspectives as well as blurring the image to simulate an out-of-focus effect.

Items may overlap, however no more than 50 percent. On top of the classes, hands may be placed randomly to generate a more realistic representation of what the final system may expect.
After all items have been placed, random noise is introduced to the final image. Noise includes black parts and spots over the image to further discourage the network from memorizing rather than learning from the images.
Finally, the item position and size are saved. Since we initially planned to use COCO-Format, our annotations were created in this format. This means the annotation for all images from the dataset are saved in a single JSON file. Since we later switched to using a YOLO network, we had to convert the annotations into the new format. YOLO requires a txt file with the class location for every image.
An example of a resulting synthetic picture can be seen in the following figure. The shown table displays the quantity of slightly different images available for the synthetic dataset.

Synthetic dataset example

To test the data generation yourself, follow the DataGeneration.ipynb notebook.

Item-class Quantity
Fries 19
Hamburger 13
Cheeseburger 5
Big Mac 13
Hamburger Royal TS 15
McRib 7
McChicken Classic 18
Chicken McNuggets 9er 19
McWrap 24
McSundae 26
Softdrink 20
Ketchup 20
Mayonnaise 14
Sauce 28
Hands 17

Final Dataset

Our final dataset consists of three different sets. A training dataset used to train the model, a validation dataset used to evaluate the model's performance while training and a test dataset to evaluate the final model performance.

The training dataset consists of 45.000 synthetic images and an additional 5000 random images with no classes to further regularize the model. These 5000 images were taken from the COCO2017 dataset.

The validation dataset consists of 5000 images, 95% of which are synthetic images, the remaining 5% are randomly selected stock images containing no classes.

The test dataset consists of 160 real images that were labeled by hand. These pictures were taken on the system that will be deployed to customers. Distance, camera, lighting, etc. are as specified to gain information about the true real-world performance of the system. The test dataset features 146 highly complex images that may not be found in a real-world application.
Classes were stacked on top of each other, were almost completely out-of-frame and include modifications such as straws in the beverages or entirely molten ice cream.
This ensures that the performance we evaluate on the test set can be seen as a conservative "lower bound". If the system was to be shipped to a customer, we believe to be able to guarantee a performance similar to the evaluation results on the test set. However, in a day to day use a significantly better performance can be expected. Partly because the images should usually not be as complex, and in part, since we classify a continuous stream of images. This means that while a hand may block parts of an image for a couple of frames, by combining the classification results of multiple frames into our final prediction we can get a robust classification that can deal with missing out on some items every couple of frames.

Test data example

We originally planned to create a dataset consisting of a hybrid between synthetic data and real data. Our tests showed that adding real data into the dataset resulted in little to no improvement in model performance, as you can see in the following table. The given metrics are used to describe the accuracy of the model-output over all item-classes.

Purely synthetic dataset Hybrid dataset
Precision 0.950 0.932
Recall 0.822 0.844
mAP@.5 (threshold at 0.5) 0.893 0.903
mAP@.95 (threshold at 0.95) 0.650 0.641

This small performance gap might be caused by differing quantities in the two sets. While synthetic data is easy and quick to generate, real data needs to be manually annotated which is a slow and tedious process. This resulted in an imbalance between the two groups. While we used 45.000 generated synthetic images, we only added 160 real-world images.

The synthetic nature of the training data ensures an unbiased and evenly distributed dataset. Human bias to items positioning, grouping or selection can be almost entirely ruled out. This also shows in the statistical analysis of the training dataset.

Synthetic figures

The items are distributed evenly across the image. All classes have a similar amount of occurrences in the dataset. The width and height of the classes are less evenly distributed. This is the plain result of the shape of the McDonalds packaging and should not influence the models' performance negatively.

The test dataset was created by hand. While this means that the distribution among classes is less even than with the synthetic dataset, we still tried to minimize the bias and create an evenly distributed dataset.

The class mc_flurry was scratched last minute from the test dataset. This was more logistical than a technical decision since the temperature in Karlsruhe at that time transformed a McFlurry into a McMilkshake within minutes, so difficult decisions had to be made.

Apart from the McFlurry, classes are roughly evenly distributed and all classes contain at least a few different samples so the model's performance can be sufficiently evaluated.

Test figures

Possible Extensions

In a real-world environment, the synthetic dataset allows a rapid adaption of the model to an ever-changing menu. By adding images of new menu items to the synthetic data generator, new training datasets can be created instantaneously with little to no human input.

Especially large QSR chains may benefit from this approach as vector graphics of the menu items and 3D models typically already exist for marketing purposes. By using these images and 3D models the generation of an even more detailed synthetic dataset may be possible. Instead of using simple 2D pixel operations, in real-world 3D renders as training data may further increase model performance by teaching the model about different perspectives and overlaps of items.