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System Architecture

The QSROA system consists of three independent components: the inference pipeline, a backend and a frontend. The inference process takes care of the deployment of our model and provides an RTSP video stream. The backend is responsible for the logical analysis of the detected objects and the frontend is used to display the results and furthermore demonstrates a use case.

In the following figure the parts of our systems are illustrated. The frontend is developed by using React, Material-UI and nginx. It communicates with the backend via Socket.IO and REST Endpoints. The backend is developed with Flask, Socket.IO and gunicorn. The inference pipeline is based on Nvidias DeepStream SDK for Python and sends data on detected objects to the backend via a Socket.IO connection.

All three components are deployed using Docker. The components are described in detail in the following paragraphs.



Due to the confined availability of resources, hardware limitations can pose a significant challenge for the deployment of computer vision models on portable and low-power devices. Therefore, the characteristics of target platforms must be carefully considered when designing a model. However, driven by the increasing demand for on-device AI and mobile gaming, powerful mobile SOCs, offering both, high graphics performance and specialized hardware for machine learning tasks, have become widely available. Nevertheless, utilizing the full potential of these platforms often involves the use of proprietary frameworks and is consequently still a cumbersome process. While the performance of the Nvidia Jetson Nano platform, as the target platform for this project, is easily outperformed by more recent devices such as modern smartphones, it still offers access to a rich ecosystem of GPU-accelerated frameworks provided by Nvidia.

Most common machine learning frameworks, including TensorFlow and PyTorch, offer support for GPU-accelerated inference backed by Nvidia CUDA. However, Nvidia TensorRT is the preferred inference framework for the deployment of deep learning models on Jetson devices. It maximizes throughput and reduces latency by automatically applying various optimization techniques. While the inference step is most resource-demanding, creating a real-time computer vision application involves numerous other processing steps. First, the image must be preprocessed and transformed to the format required by the inference engine. Following this step, the model output has to be processed (e.g. performing Non-maximum Suppression, drawing bounding boxes). Finally, depending on the required output format, the video stream needs to be encoded. Specialized and highly performant frameworks such as OpenCV for video processing are available for all these steps. A basic approach to creating a processing pipeline would involve sequentially passing data between these steps in a loop. While this can deliver decent results, it creates plenty of overhead. Most noticeably, data must be copied between GPU and CPU memory multiple times.

There are several approaches for addressing those shortcomings. After extensive investigation, we figured that Nvidia's DeepStream SDK best matches the requirements for the QSROA project. As a framework specifically targeted towards the development of AI-powered intelligent video analytics apps and services, it offers a high level of flexibility and customizability. Resulting from a tight integration into the Jetson ecosystem, it also offers superior performance to other solutions.

DeepStream is based on the popular pipeline-driven media framework GStreamer and extends upon it by implementing a range of additional plugins specifically targeted towards AI applications. These plugins are optimized for Jetson devices and Nvidia Datacenter GPUs. As such it allows for the integration of TensorRT inference into a GStreamer media pipeline.

Technical Details

The QSROA inference solution is implemented using the DeepStream SDK for Python and consists of two major components. The DeepStream pipeline itself and a Python script responsible for managing the pipeline process and communication with the backend.

The DeepStream pipeline takes the input image provided by the CSI-Camera attached to the Jetson Nano. The generated GStreamer buffers are passed through the pipeline, applying different preprocessing steps such as downsizing the input image. Data is then passed to the Gst-nvinfer component responsible for TensorRT inference. Further details on inference are explained in section TensorRT Inference. As part of inference metadata containing information on recognized objects and more are attached to the buffers. After inference buffers are (optionally) passed to the Gst-nvtracker component executing unique object tracking. The output image is then processed further (e.g. bounding boxes are drawn) and is either output as a windowed video stream on the Jetson device or as a low-latency RTSP video stream. As RTSP is a common streaming protocol for IP cameras and CCTV surveillance, it is most likely already in use at the majority of POS locations. QSROA customers may therefore choose to integrate this stream into their existing systems.


TensorRT Inference

While Nvidia provides samples for the deployment of YOLO models using TensorRT and DeepStream, newer YOLO models such as the YOLOv5 model used by the QSROA are not yet supported. However, the provided source can be updated to support these models.

As such, there is an official TensorRT implementation of YOLOv5 that can be used to obtain a TensorRT engine file upon compilation. This engine can then be used along with the necessary nvinfer plugin provided by the DeepStream-Yolo project on GitHub. Updates were applied to both projects' source code to match QSROA requirements.

Object Tracking and Skip-Inference

The Gst-nvtracker plugin can be used to track detected objects in DeepStream pipelines. This allows assigning unique ids to objects and tracking their movement over time. The DeepStream SDK provides three different low-level tracker implementations that can be chosen depending on project requirements. Unique object tracking could therefore be used to implement more advanced features. However, this functionality is not yet used for the QSROA.

As object trackers typically consume noticeably fewer resources than TensorRT inference, they can also be used to optimize perceived video stream performance. The QSROA DeepStream pipeline achieves this by skipping inference for every 2^nd^ frame. As objects are tracked by the tracker component, bounding boxes can still be updated every frame, resulting in almost doubling the framerate while still being able to keep track of detected objects. Applying skip-inference is vastly beneficial for model selection as it allows for the deployment of models that would otherwise be too large for delivering an acceptable framerate. This even allows for the deployment of a YOLOv4-CSP or full-size YOLOv4 model on a Jetson Nano as demonstrated in the section model.

Statistics Collection

To supply the backend with necessary information it is required to extract the metadata from the stream. For DeepStream pipelines, it is common practice to insert a (blocking) callback before the Gst-nvdsosd component, which is amongst other things responsible for drawing bounding boxes. The callback receives the buffers that would otherwise be directly passed to the nvdsosd component. This allows for applying changes to the metadata or adding additional text to be drawn. As by that time the buffers already contain all the necessary metadata, it can also be used to collect the information required by the backend.

We do this by counting all objects in a frame (grouped by class). The information is then added to a global two-dimensional dictionary. The first index of this dictionary corresponds to the label of the object class whereas the second object corresponds to how often this class appears in the frame. The integer value is incremented by one for each key-pair obtained from counting objects in the frame. Every second this dictionary is submitted to a multiprocessing queue along with a timestamp and the total number of frames since last submitting to the queue. The dictionary is afterward cleared.

The Python script responsible for managing the inference process collects the information from the multiprocessing queue and acts as a Socket.IO client that sends the data to the backend for further processing. The following example shows the format of the dictionary sent to the backend. As can be obtained from the information contained in the dictionary, two objects of class beverage were detected in 2 of the last 20 frames while three objects of class beverage were detected in 18 frames. An object of type fries was detected in all 20 frames.

    'frames_since_last_report': 20, 
    'objects': {
        'beverage': {
            '2': 2, 
            '3': 18
        'fries': {'1': 20}
    'timestamp': 1625162677116201


In the case of the QSROA, the backend has the central task of bringing together the results produced by the model with the logic and functionality necessary in order to deliver the advanced service.

Its structure and way of functioning should therefore be described below.


The backend has been created with Flask. It is constructed through python Socket.IO and REST endpoints which may be described in the following:

expects a JSON object in the format of

    'item': number_of_items


    'cheeseburger': 1,
    'hamburger': 3,
    'chickenburger': 2,

delete all orders

Additionally, the inference process, described in the previous paragraph, subscribes to the Socket.IO connection statistics. The inference client sends a JSON object containing statistical data at a frequency of 1 Hz.

The frontend subscribes to the Socket.IO connections actual-order and orders.


The functionality of the backend crucially involves a parameter named FRAMES. The parameter describes the percentage of frames in which an object must be detected by the model in order to be interpreted as an actual object. It therefore can take on values in the range of [0, 1] and functions as a noise filter.
In the scope of the lecture this value has arbitrarily been set to 0.8. However, going forward it can certainly be optimized empirically.

FRAMES is then subsequently used to calculate another variable min_frames, with min_frames = FRAMES * frames_since_last_report. With this min_frames calculates the product of FRAMES and the number of frames captured since the last statistical analysis (frames_since_last_report). It therefore acts as the lower bound for the number of frames an object must be detected in to actually be considered an object by the QSROA. With min_frames being determined, for every item class in the statistical data provided, the following calculation is being conducted:

For every item class the number of items gets identified. This happens by identifying the maximum number of instances of an item class for which the min_frames requirement is being fulfilled.
For clarification consider the following example:

min_frames has been calculated as twelve.
The model detected exactly four beverages in 3 frames, exactly three beverages in 11 frames and exactly two beverages in 2 frames. Obviously, if the model detects four beverages it implicitly detected two and three beverages as well.
As four beverages are detected in less frames than min_frames it gets discarded. Both three and two beverages got identified in more than 12 frames (three in 3+11 and two in 3+11+2). The three beverages therefore equal the maximum item of numbers, so that the statistical calculation returns the result number of beverages is three.

Thus, the calculation returns a list containing class items and their respective quantity.

In a final step the calculated list is then compared with the current order, resulting in three lists.

  • correct: Products that have been detected as well as found in the order
  • missing: Products that have been found in the order but not detected
  • incorrect: Products that have been detected but not found in the order

The three lists as well as the next eight elements of the order queue are then sent to the frontend via the Socket.IO connections.


The systems processes orders by the FIFO principal.

In order to be able to develop and test the backend independently from the jetson or rather the inference process, the backend has been extended by the file With execution a Socket.IO connection to the backend is being established. Via the connection a JSON object containing the statistical data is being sent to the backend either in predefined temporal intervals or by operating the enter-button.

For further information on the deployment, we refer to the chapter deployment. More information on how to run the backend as well as some hints can be found in the README of the backend directory.


As we intend to demonstrate the QSROA and its functionalities in a best possible and most realistic scenario, our project includes two frontends for distinct application areas.
The first frontend focuses on our customer's customers by providing a checkout system.
The second view displays the central features of our service, serving as an order control screen to our customer's employees.

For reasons of simplicity both frontends have been developed within the same project.

The Checkout System

The checkout system functions as a classic checkout system. It enables the restaurant's customers to put in their orders. The orders may be composed of an arbitrary combination of the items shown in the UI. It has been designed so that the input can take place via tablets and is touch-capable, therefore resembling current implementations of QSR chains.
To submit an order, the send button must be pressed. To delete the current selection, one must press the delete button.

In a field project the checkout system would be replaced by our customers checkout system. checkout

The Order Control Screen

The order control screen is the central visual element of the QSROA as it brings together the functionalities of the neural network and backend with an UI that enables the employees to profit from the added value.
It is the view that our customer's employees are intended to work with. The order control screen can be separated into two parts.
The first part displays the current order, meaning the current order the employee is supposed to process. The UI supports the employee by differentiating between items that have been added correctly so (complete) and those that are still missing (missing). Additionally, it also warns the employee of items that have been added mistakenly to the order (incorrect).
To further support the employee the three categories get clarified by the use of a traffic light scheme.

The second part of the screen shows the subsequently following orders, so that the restaurant can act participatory and optimize its processes.

order control screen

Development Process

The frontend has been developed with React. For the creation of the app create-react-app was used. For the design the Material-UI package was added to the project. As a client for REST axios was chosen, for WebSocket connections the interfaces make use of Socket.IO.
The source of pictures utilized in the checkout system UI has been McDonald's (McDonald's).
The structure of the UI is component based. Exemplary components are order lists and the traffic light list.